Introducing a fresh approach to sustainable, equitable, quality-designed housing.

Located at the nexus of a major Scarborough transit hub and a unique swath of city parkland, we’re reimagining what a truly mixed housing community will look like, at a grand scale. 2444 Eglinton Ave East will feature more than 900 new homes, demonstrating how diverse housing types can flourish in an evolving, amenity-rich neighbourhood.

It’s time to envision new possibilities for what progressive housing can look like in Toronto.

STATUS: Pre-Development

SITE SIZE: 2.88 acres

✱ About the Project

One of the biggest challenges facing Toronto today is a distinct lack of affordable, environmentally sustainable, transit-connected housing for people across a diverse range of incomes.
In other words, truly mixed-income communities. 2444 Eglinton is a part of the solution to that problem. The project offers a mix of market, co-op and affordable housing that does not sacrifice design, quality or sustainability standards. It’s a bold solution for urban housing made possible by a pioneering partnership between the public, private and non-profit sectors.

The City of Toronto owns the land, Civic Developments and Windmill Developments are developing the site, and the Co-operative Housing Federation of Toronto will operate the non-profit co-op.

This is thoughtfully designed, quality housing that diversifies the city’s available offerings and caters to differing socioeconomic, income and generational needs. Steps away from three transit lines and a spectacular public park, The Meadoway, 2444 Eglinton will enable residents to live, work, and play all while minimizing their ecological impact.

Learn more about the 2444 Eglinton application on the City of Toronto's website.

✱ HousING Typologies

2444 Eglinton will be comprised of a high-rise market condominium, and two non-profit co-op buildings featuring affordable and market rental units in equal proportion.

What is a non-profit housing co-op? It’s a form of housing that is operated by the residents — who are called members, not tenants. The members elect other members to a board, who determine when rent increases are needed to cover true operating costs, not profit margins, which ensures the housing remains affordable over the long term.

Rents for the affordable units will be set between 40 and 100% of Average Market Rent as reported annually by the Canada Mortgage Housing Corporation, making them affordable to people across varying income levels. The project will include a significant percentage of units that are accessible in accordance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act.


HOMES to be Built


co-op rental units



3,580 SQFT

community space

12,770 SQFT

retail space


Parking Spaces


2444 Eglinton is the result of a progressive collaboration between public, private and non-profit partners. The project is the first private sector-led rezoning in the City of Toronto’s Housing Now program.

Civic Developments is a Toronto-based residential development company with a mandate to deliver fresh housing solutions. Civic is committed to thoughtful city-building balancing the parallel priorities of equity, community, and design excellence.
Civic Website
Windmill Development Group is a visionary real estate company focused on creating happy, healthy communities within the resources of our planet.
Windmill Website
The Co-Operative Housing Federation of Toronto (CHFT) is a member-supported organization representing more than 50,000 people living in more than 180 non-profit housing co-operatives in Durham, Toronto, and York Region.
CHFT Website
CreateTO is the City of Toronto’s real estate agency. It manages the City’s $27-billion real estate portfolio, develops City buildings and lands for municipal purposes, and unlocks the potential of City-owned lands to be activated for the public good. CreateTO collaborates with City and private partners to advance Council's vision to urgently build more affordable housing on City-owned lands.
CreateTO Website
The City of Toronto has been an instrumental partner in the development of 2444 Eglinton. The city is home to more than three million people whose diversity and experiences make it Canada’s leading economic engine and one of the world’s most diverse and livable cities.
Toronto Website
Henriquez Partners Architects (HPA) is a Canadian architectural practice with offices in Vancouver and Toronto. The studio is best known for ambitious mixed-used projects that are socially, culturally, and environmentally sustainable.
HPA Website
CCxA is an internationally recognized landscape architecture and urban design firm that celebrates manmade nature. It’s known for complex urban projects that enhance the public realm with an emphasis on conceptual rigour and creativity.
CCxA Website


2444 Eglinton’s foundational principles will merge sustainability, equity, and design excellence.

2444 Eglinton has been designed to meet the ambitious Toronto Green Standards Version 4, Tier 2 and adopt One Planet Living, a framework that addresses all aspects of environmental, social, and economic sustainability.
A variety of housing typologies, including market condo, and affordable and market rental, will create a true mixed-tenure community. The project will advance social equity through the provision of co-op affordable housing and accessible housing in accordance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act.
Design Excellence
2444 Eglinton seeks to create a new design standard for mixed-income housing, while lowering operating costs for residents. It will enhance community amenities, connections to the existing local green network, and transit infrastructure while making significant public realm improvements.


Use the timeline below to explore past and future project milestones.


City of Toronto and CreateTO host community consultation meeting about concept for 2444 Eglinton.


CreateTO working group meeting #1 to discuss the development process.


CreateTO working group meeting # 2 to discuss the development process.


City of Toronto and CreateTO announce Civic and Windmill are selected as development partners.


Design Review Panel meeting provides feedback on development impact on the public realm.


Zoning By-law amendment submitted by the applicant to the City of Toronto.


Virtual Community Consultation Meeting.

FALL 2024

Site Plan Approval application expected to be submitted to City of Toronto’s Planning & Development department.


Construction anticipated to begin on co-op buildings.


Future project milestones will be added, check back soon!


Use the timeline below to explore past and future project milestones.


City of Toronto and CreateTO host community consultation meeting about concept for 2444 Eglinton.


CreateTO working group meeting #1 to discuss the development process.


CreateTO working group meeting # 2 to discuss the development process.


City of Toronto and CreateTO announce Civic and Windmill are selected as development partners.


Design Review Panel meeting provides feedback on development impact on the public realm.


Zoning By-law amendment submitted by the applicant to the City of Toronto.


Virtual Community Consultation Meeting.

Fall 2024

Site Plan Approval application expected to be submitted to City of Toronto’s Planning & Development department.


Construction anticipated to begin on co-op buildings.


Future project milestones will be added, check back soon!


Commonly asked questions from community members.  

Why did you select this location?
How many residential units are planned? How many of those unit will be affordable?
What is a non-profit housing co-op?
What makes this project sustainable?
How will residents and the wider community benefit from this project?
When can we sign up for the co-op? When will the buildings be complete?


Modern Living: The co-ops are coming
So much GTA housing has been in the unaffordable range for so long that anything brought into the market under sound principles of affordability is a good story.
Read more
A co-op worked for her and then some. Could it work for you?
Co-ops are not-for-profits that provide housing at cost for their members, who pay a monthly ‘housing charge’ to cover the co-operative’s budget.
Read more
After decades, co-ops are making a comeback in Toronto
Mary Wiens brings the story of a new building that will bring more than 600 co-op units to Scarborough.
Listen here
Is co-op housing making a comeback in Toronto?
New city housing development will include more than 600 co-op units for the first time in decades.
Watch here
Toronto’s new co-op housing points to a dense, beautiful future.
Toronto is back in the housing business. This week the city’s government announced a new housing development near Kennedy subway station in Scarborough, and it is big.
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Are we entering a new era of the co-op? Let’s hope so
A new, big project on Eglinton may usher in the return of the co-op in a big way.
Read more